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Ayse Donmez
Tom Perrett

Murat Cil
Who We Are 
    Reservoir Characterization TIG Committee Membership:  

    The SPE has established several TIG committee roles, besides the TIG chairman. These are membership, program and internet chairman and the responsibilities for each are given under the topic TIG committee roles. As we move into 1999 in a few months, we are trying to make some changes to gain a broader interest in our TIG. Several new committee members will be bringing some diverse ideas to help stimulate more interest in the group discussion on Reservoir Characterization. Besides myself as chairman, there will be six members with joint program and membership responsibilities which will be better defined as time proceeds. These TIG committee members are as follows: 

    Ayse Donmez 
    Istanbul Technical University 
    Istanbul, Turkey 
    Phone: 90-212-285- 6214 

    David Garner 
    TerraMod Consulting 
    Phone: 403-294-5136 

    Paul Griffith 
    Apache International 
    Houston, Texas 
    Phone: 713-296-6402 

    Joost Herweijer 
    GWSol Inc. 
    Lafayette, Colorado 
    Phone: 303-543-0935 

    Leon Roe 
    Chevron USA 
    Midland, Texas 
    Phone: 915-687-7178 

    Tom Perrett 
    BHP Petroleum 
    Melbourne, Australia 
    Phone: 61-3-9652-6487 

    Besides these program/membership committee roles, there is an Internet Chairman: 

    Murat Cil 
    Phone: 918-241-2015 

    Including the TIG chairman, the RC committee is currently made up of eight members. If you would like to join our committee team please let us know. Please feel free to contact any of us if you would like to discuss the RC TIG and have ideas to improve our group.